X Shadyside is Ready to Open — Here’s What You Need to Know

Expert Tips for Building the Ultimate Workout Plan

October 9, 2020

Fall has finally arrived. And with a new season, comes a renewed sense of motivation for crushing your fitness goals! Whether you are a complete beginner to working out or you have been taking some fitness classes for a while, it doesn’t hurt to take a moment to evaluate your current workout routine. Have you been seeing progress? Do you follow it on a regular basis? Do you enjoy it?

Building a fun and effective workout schedule is crucial for keeping you on the path to reaching your goals! In our latest blog post, a leading Shadyside gym gives you tips on building a routine that focuses on gaining strength and staying lean. 

Top 5 Tips for Building the Ultimate Workout Routine

Crush your fitness goals this year using tips from a Shadyside gym

When it comes to building an effective workout routine, you need to focus on five things:

  • Incorporating strength AND conditioning
  • Finding assistance and motivation from a professional trainer
  • Remembering to change it up every once in a while
  • Creating a workout split that fits with your schedule
  • Following a healthy diet

1. Focus on Strength AND Cardio Exercises

In order to see great results from your workout program, you need to incorporate both strength and conditioning exercises into it. While cardio workouts are great for burning calories and improving your cardiovascular health, strength training can give you a more defined and lean shape that cardio can’t give you alone. 

Some people want to reduce the fat on their arms or stomach. However, spot reducing body fat is impossible. Once you start losing fat, this reduction will occur all over your body. But you can target certain muscle groups through strength training. Tricep dips and arm presses can help tighten up your arm muscles while bicycle crunches and planks can give you that toned look you want. 

Why Can’t I Focus on Cardio Alone if I Want to Lose Weight?

Some people shy away from weight training because they just want to lose weight. But when you only focus on cardio, you can end up losing both fat and muscle. In general, you want to focus your workout program on fat loss rather than general weight loss. Plus, focusing on the scale only gives you one part of your fitness journey. It doesn’t tell you how much muscle you have gained or how your body composition has changed. 

2. Get Some Help From a Personal Trainer

Hiring a personal trainer can benefit you greatly whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned veteran. If you need help building a program or you want someone to challenge you and push you to your limit, your personal trainer can offer a high-quality, results-driven training routine just for you. 

Other benefits of personal training include:

  • Having someone who can educate you on proper body movements for different exercises
  • Being able to create challenging, yet realistic goals for yourself
  • Relying on someone who will hold you accountable for your exercise schedule

3. Make it Fun by Changing it up Once in a While

Following a structured workout routine can be helpful when juggling a full-time job alongside your fitness program and when you’re looking to build sustainable progress over time. But sometimes following the same routine can be boring. Don’t be afraid to change it up every once in a while!

X Shadyside offers fun and challenging exercise classes that will push you to your limits. Need to work on your flexibility? StretchX will lead you through movements that challenge your range of motion. If you’re looking for a workout class that works both your muscles and your cardiovascular fitness, try BattleX. Ropes, slam balls, rigs, and more are used in this heart-pounding workout class. 

4. Find a Workout Split That Fits with Your Schedule

When planning your program, you will want to find a workout split that fits both your fitness goals and schedule. Some people are able to fit a 5-day workout split into their schedule. Others prefer a 3-day split dedicated to strength training with one or two days set aside for cardio.

The most common workout splits include:

  • 3-Day Full Body Split, which is best for people with a limited amount of time available for working out
  • Upper-Lower Training Split, which is great for people who want to build muscle
  • Push/Pull/Leg Split, which is better for intermediates 

As for cardio, some people prefer to do cardio after they finish a weight training session while others set cardio aside for their “off” days. 

Each type of split offers its own pros and cons. If you aren’t sure which one is right for you, you can schedule a consultation with a professional trainer. They will be able to help you find the split that best aligns with your goals and availability.  

5. Don’t Forget to Add Some Healthy Meals to Your Diet

Some people forget to take their nutrition into account when looking to burn fat and build muscle. The food that you consume plays a large role in your overall health and progress. If you haven’t already, make sure you are following a high-protein diet to help build muscle, eat healthy fats like nuts and avocados, and try to avoid sugary beverages. 

For your next meals, try to incorporate some of these tasty and nutritious foods!

  • Fatty fish like salmon and tuna
  • Eggs
  • Greek yogurt
  • Leafy greens like kale and spinach
  • Chicken
  • Beans
  • Avocadoes
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa
  • Fruit
  • Coconut oil

Are you looking for a new gym? At X Shadyside gym, you have dozens of equipment, fitness studios, and expert instructors at your fingertips. With these resources at your disposal, you can finally start on your new fitness journey. Contact the team at X Shadyside today to learn more about becoming a member!

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